Donate us

Join the support circle of kamah association

The Kamah association is helped by donations in order to provide the best conditions for Tobiah trainees and members of Beit Elisha. Your contribution is significant and important to us, and we would be happy if you would be a partner in our work.
The Kamah association is recognized according to section 46 for donations.
The donations are secure and you can legally receive a receipt for them
For details: Irit 054-2641070

Bank Transfer

Bank Otsar hayal
Haifa Bay Branch No. 362: account numbers 317198 – Kama Association – Beit Tovia 312951 – Kama Association – Beit Elisha

Your donation will expand the circles of support and leisure
for Tovia trainees and members of Beit Elisha

  • Personal therapies
    Therapeutic riding, art therapy
  • Group therapies
    Challenge activity, trips in the desert
  • leisure activities
    Excursions and travel
  • Work equipment for the employment workshops. From an oven to the kitchen to a horse to the stable
  • Escorting boarding school graduates

 Contact resource development
Irit Shachar –0542641070

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